because I'm talking about people who are UNARMED being shot!
Perhaps you need to put yourself in a police officer's shoes. You have a split second to make a decision. The man that you are trying to arrest refuses to put his hands up and moves them in a suspicious manner. He may pull a knife, he maybe getting his wallet, he may be pulling a fake gun, he maybe pulling a bag full of cocaine, or maybe he is pulling a very real GUN. A decision made in a split second makes the difference between the police officer being with his family later that night or being buried a week later. In a life threatening situation you don't have time to think "I need to make sure that thing is a real gun with real bullets before I shoot".
The most effective way to reduce the number of people police officers shoot is by not getting involved in activities that attract the attention of police officers. In fact, in my 30 years living in the U.S. I have never been a victim of racist profiling or much less a police shooting. In fact, I haven't even been a victim of any violent crime. Have I been lucky? Not at all. My life's activities don't attract police officers, except for the once in a decade traffic violation.